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repatriation of profits中文是什么意思

用"repatriation of profits"造句"repatriation of profits"怎么读"repatriation of profits" in a sentence


  • 利润汇回本国


  • The practice is emerging as a vehicle for financing capital projects and production - sharing ventures , for ensuring the repatriation of profits from investments in countries beset by external debt and hard currency shortages , and for competitive bidding on major nonmilitary government procurements
  • The practice is emerging as a vehicle for financing capital projects and production - sharing ventures , for ensuring the repatriation of profits from investments in countries beset by external debt and hard currency shortages , and for competitive bidding on major nonmilitary government procurements
  • When an auto financing company ' s establishment and business operations involve currency exchange , outward repatriation of profits , provision of auto loans for non - residents , capital management or other business transactions relating to foreign exchange administration , the company shall be subject to relevant regulations to be jointly issued by relative regulatory authorities and the state administration of foreign exchange
用"repatriation of profits"造句  
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